I thought we would have some fun today and go shopping for an Odyssey putter at, 3balls.com, home of discount golf products.
If you don`t know, 3balls.com sells used and new golf equipment and they have built a huge business over the last ten years. They are very well known for their wide range of inventory, what they can save you and their customer service and satisfaction.
So, what I would like to do today is go shopping at 3balls to see what we can come up with.
This should be a fun exercise!
Shopping at 3balls.com for an Odyssey Putter:
Step 1. Right Handed Putters = 315 (that`s right 315 putters, the odds of you finding what you are looking for are pretty good!)
Step 2. Odyssey Putters = 98
Step 3. Choose Model Type (there are over 40 model types) = Black Series #1
Step 4. Choose Putter- There are 4 RH Black Series #1 putters to choose from and all of these putters have a MSRP of $310.00.
Here they are:
1. Length: 35"...Condition: (Used) Like New...Price=$169.59
2. Length: 35"...Condition: (Used) Fine...Price=$149.50
3. Length: 34"...Condition: (Used) Fine...Price=$149.50
4. Length: 34"...Condition: (Used) Cancelled order/open box...Price=$189.50
So, there you are. You found the putter that you were looking for and you saved somewhere around $150.00. Check it out, it`s easy to follow the shopping process and they have an unbelievable amount of inventory.
Also, there is an additional 10% off until 12/31/2008 (see the coupon code below).
It`s like being a kid in a candy store!